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Eight Reasons Why Singing Is Good For You

Chris Anderson

Singing is good for you! It doesn’t matter whether you think you can sing or not, the benefits will all be the same. In this blog I give my personal reasons why.

Cheaper Than Therapy

Singing does something to your brain and releases feel good chemicals. It’s better for you than drinking and way more fun than working out at the gym. It’s also cheaper than therapy. Music taps into your feel good factor. I know that there will be some people who will say “but I can’t sing”, this isn’t a blog to try and convince you otherwise however, I will say that if you want to sing out - sing out! It doesn’t matter where you sing really as long as you’re having fun. So just sing a song, put a song on and sing along. Go and do karaoke if you must (it can actually be great fun). Just sing! And I know I said it’s better for you than drinking, but if you need some Dutch courage, I won’t tell anyone.

Singing With Others

Singing with other people is an amazing experience. Exploring music with other people is a joy. You build new friendships and are all working towards a common goal. For me it doesn’t matter your age or level of experience. Starting Stand Sure Orchestra & Choirs was about getting people together. Some groups take themselves far too seriously and there’s little enjoyment in the process. Take the craft seriously of course, but don’t not have fun. If you can all laugh together during a silly warm up, or just relax and enjoy the process of learning it’s wonderful. Supporting each other along the way and helping each other out gives you a proper sense of community.

A Range Of Emotions

It is true that music can create a whole range of emotions, but I’ll be honest - unless I’m singing in a show I much prefer to sing a happy song. (I have to say though that every concert I programme at least one moment of poignancy). When my best friend is in the car she is always belting out a feel good playlist. When she goes on holiday her and her mum blast out and singalong to “Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. Whenever I sing I feel a sense of joy, and it lifts my mood. If I’m feeling low I’l sometimes put on a song to sing along to and I nearly always feel better…so much so that I tell myself off for not singing in the first place.

Breath Control & More

Singing requires breath and the more you sing the better your breathing becomes. Even without training you’ll discover your lung capacity improves and gets stronger. In fact I’d go as far to say that regular singing can be as beneficial as going for a run…and you don’t have to brave the elements. Not only that, but singing can help boost your immune system. So not only can it help your mental health, it also helps your physical well being too. Oh and it can help with your posture if you do it “properly” with a correct stance and engaged diaphragm!

Cognitive Faculty

When you sing you are learning a song. Not necessarily the words off by heart (though that is a great thing to do), but the tune and rhythm. With that said though, how many songs do you find yourself singing along to and yet you’ve never consciously set out to learn them. Imagine the benefits you’d get if you set out to learn the words and melody of a song. Your memory will improve and you may find you’ll start being able to remember more things.

Express Yourself

Sometimes it can be hard to express oneself fully. Singing gives you that opportunity. Find a song you know that fits your mood and sing along with it. It can be quite cathartic. Bottling emotions is not a good thing to do, especially negative ones…so get it all out with song or two. Singing can also help with grief. Grieving is a very natural and necessary process. Singing with others in a period of bereavement can offer additional support through difficult times. No one will judge you if you need to leave the room momentarily to cry.

Improve Self-Confidence

If you’re a shower or hairbrush singer then going to sing with other people can be daunting. There’ll be a worry of being judged or making a fool out yourself. Finding the right group to join is the key thing here. Go along to just observe a rehearsal and see how it feels. However, whether you decide to sing in public or not singing can help you with your confidence because singing makes you feel good. But get the ultimate boost and sing with others. Because you’re standing correctly when you’re singing you will naturally feel more confident - especially if you carry that posture with you (and use it!) all the time.

Linguistic Skills

I not exclusively talking about learning a new language here, though of course that can be a part of it if you’re learning a foreign song (just make sure you understand what you’re singing rather than just doing it by rote). I have a stutter that manifests when I get anxious but it disappears when I sing (even if I’m still anxious). There are people with severe autism who are unable to communicate by speaking but have the most amazing singing voice that when they sing their words are clear. Singing can help you form words and improve your diction (if you work at it). In a nutshell, singing can help improve your communication and language skills.

“Singing is only sustained talking”

Harold Hill - Meredith Wilson’s ‘The Music Man’

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Meetings take place at:
Hatherleigh Community Centre,
Bowling Green Lane, Hatherleigh, EX20 3HB

Wednesday's 19:30 - 21:30 for Orchestra
Thursday's 18:00 - 19:30 (8-16
19:30 - 21:30 (Adults (16+))
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